The Bank of America Shamrock Shuffle hosts thousands of participants every year as they kick off their running season by shuffling through the heart of Chicago. This event comes alive with the support of volunteers and volunteer groups, coordinated by committed and enthusiastic group leaders like you.
- Group leader responsibilities
- Communicate clearly with your group about the specifics of the volunteer role.
- Recruit a minimum of 10 volunteers for your volunteer group. Please note, non-profit groups, clubs or organizations that check in 20 or more volunteers on race day or at Packet Pick-up and meet event qualifications are eligible for a modest donation.
- The age minimum for group volunteers is 14 years of age. One adult chaperone is required for every 10 volunteers under the age of 18 to ensure sufficient supervision. Chaperones must, without exception, be 21 years of age or older, and they must register online with their group. The event has the right to set different age minimums for designated positions.
- Monitor individual registration of your volunteer group members.
- Group leaders are expected to register the number of volunteers committed in their group application.
- Make sure all volunteers bring valid photo identification. School IDs are accepted.
- Arrive early, as there will be enhanced security and bag screening throughout the event to access Packet Pick-up, Grant Park and the race course.
- Stay until the assignment is complete and you are notified that your volunteer group has fulfilled their role.
- Group leader application
Please review the steps below detailing the group leader application and assignment process:
Step 1: Review the volunteer policies.
Step 2: Complete the group leader application. Follow the link below and search for ‘group leader application’ to apply. See below for more information on the process.
- Be sure to include any time restrictions your group may have within the application so the Volunteer Team can place your group accordingly. If you cannot commit to the full shift time assigned to you, please contact the Volunteer Team to request an accommodation.
- Select your group’s assignment preference. Please note that assignments are filled on a first come, first served basis. If the assignment you receive is different from your indicated preference, your preference has been filled.
- Within the group leader application, indicate your group’s size. You must have at least 10 volunteers to form a group. Please note, non-profit groups, clubs or organizations that check in 20 or more volunteers on race day or at Packet Pick-Up and meet event qualifications are eligible for a modest donation starting at $300.
Step 3: Wait approximately one week to receive your group assignment via email. This will include registration instructions for your group. When you receive your group assignment, reply to the email so the Volunteer Team knows you received your assignment.
Step 4: Share your registration instructions with your group members! Group leaders do not need to follow these instructions as they are already in the system from completing the group leader application. Please inform the Volunteer Team as soon as possible if your estimated group size changes as the Volunteer Team gives your group an assignment based off of the number shared in your application.
Step 5: The group registration instructions will be valid until all of the requested slots are filled or until the registration deadline on Sunday, March 16, 2025, at 11:59 p.m. Central Time, whichever occurs first.
Please note interested medical volunteer groups should apply at www.shamrockshuffle.com/get-involved/volunteer-information/medical-volunteers/.
- Volunteer group donations
We understand the time and effort involved in coordinating a group of volunteers. We would like to recognize qualifying groups with a modest donation. More information and required forms will be available after the event.
- The group must be a non-profit group, club or organization.
- The group must be able to present a W-9 completed for the organization or fiscal agent with a tax identification number.
- Group must check in 20 or more volunteers on race day and/or at Packet Pick-up.
- Paperwork must be submitted by the established deadline.
After the event, the Volunteer Team will contact all group leaders with qualification status, required paperwork and the established deadline. Group donations start at $300 and increase based on the group size. Groups can also earn donation bonuses if they meet the following criteria:
- $50 bonus to qualifying groups that participate in shifts that begin prior to 5 a.m.
- $75 bonus to qualifying groups that participate in more than one event during race weekend (i.e., Expo/Packet-Pick-up and race day).
- $100 bonus to qualifying groups that participate in a shift over 6 hours long.
- $100 bonus to qualifying groups that participate at the Bank of America Shamrock Shuffle in addition to the Bank of America Chicago Marathon. Please note the bonus will be included in Bank of America Chicago Marathon donations.
- $100 bonus to qualifying groups that participate at the Bank of America Chicago 13.1 in addition to the Bank of America Chicago Marathon. Please note the bonus will be included in Bank of America Chicago Marathon donations.
- Resources
- Volunteer homepage
- Volunteer policies
- Volunteer FAQs
- Please direct questions to volunteer@shamrockshuffle.com.